
Oid the talos principle image
Oid the talos principle image

oid the talos principle image

The harder Shar fought, the more things started to exist. Even sundering time to break the chains of paradox her omniscience created (which guaranteed her inability to win) only caused the creation of fate, trapping Shar and the entire multiverse inside a mobile infinitesimal speck of time that moves only forward called the present, preventing her from moving back and forth along time to influence things as she wished. Her attempts to trap Selune as they had done to Tharizdun created even more universes, her omniscience telling her these would become the upper planes after order was brought to multiverse. Shar impregnated herself with her own anger, giving birth to new and terrible universes that would later become the lower planes. Their fighting spawned a number of very powerful beings (who’d all become greater gods leading pantheons of their lessers in the future). But even while pulling her punches, Shar had infinite fertility.

oid the talos principle image


They didn’t want to create another Tharizdun, so Overmothers never attacked with their full strength ever again. Tharizdun himself had been stopped but now a multiverse existed, which was even more offensive to Shar, and the two twins immediately went back to fighting.īut now they were being cautious. While this made him indestructable even to Overmothers, it allowed them to trap him inside his own solidified power and then amputate that part of universe and divide it up, creating five other universes that came to be known as Elemental Planes and the Elemental Chaos. He had constrained himself to a smaller part of the infinite space that was the universe but his essence was much denser now, Tharizdun’s divine power per unit volume exceeded Overmothers’ divine power per unit volume inside Elemental Chaos. So he solidified his divine power, creating the first elements (and by extension everything material). Their three way battle lasted an unknown amount of time and Tharizdun was losing, if ever so slowly. The First Son was made of pure malevolence and almost comparable in power to his mothers, he promptly attacked them both. Overmothers’ unimaginable fury soon coalesced into the Elder Elemental Evil, which would later be called Tharizdun. Luminous Overmother, who was also omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, immediately heard Shar's thoughts.


She started thinking about how to erase the universe along with Selune. The existence of anything, even empty space without motes of dust in it, even the unnoticeable passage of time, was like a maddening cacophony to Shar's infinitely acute and infinitely many senses. She was omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, accustomed to being the only thing after an infinite period of solitude. Overmother Selune came to be along with the universe and she immediately became fond of it. Thus the universe was given birth after Shar had impregnated herself with the idea of self and then expelled her twin from her insides. So she strained, exerted, pushed and labored until she finally expelled the impurity from inside herself, along with space and time so this other thing could be outside of Shar.

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This other being bothered Shar immensely, she didn't want something else tainting her newfound self. Which was happening inside Shar on account of there being nothing else for it to exist in. As soon as Shar thought that, it spontaneously started to exist. But this awareness of self implied the possibility of "something that was not self". But then the idea of "herself" occured to her, along with the name Shar. She existed for an unfathomable period in the time before time with absolutely nothing else if the Naught That Was before time or space came to be had a name, it would’ve been Shar. SHAR (supreme goddess), the Allmother, Ruinous Overmother, Embracing Oblivion, the Naught That Was, Fount of Despair, Queen of Bitter Tears, the Maw of Nothing, Yawning Voidĭomains: oblivion, creation, fertility, forgetfulness, despair, desperation, insanity I recommend you don't skip any of them because they have a tendency to build up on one another to form a kind of jenga tower. Over time, it basically evolved into a sort of homebrewed DnD cosmology made by yours truly and contains a large number of reskinned DnD deity writeups with hints of a planescapey multiverse going on in the back. It's about the fluffy side of things, mechanics are variable by edition and don't really matter. I'm sure it's been done repeatedly before, possibly even here, so I'm gonna do my own too. In this thread I will talk about reimagining old school DnD deities.

Oid the talos principle image